Writing Samples


Below are four different samples of my writing.  Others are available on request.

Academic writing:

Unemployment in Interwar Germany:  1924-1938.  My 1991 Ph.D. dissertation in economics.   A bit dated, but a fascinating subject!  Because of its length, it is split into five files. 1) Introduction. 2) Chapter One.  3) Chapter Two. 4) Chapter Three.  5) Conclusion and Appendices.

Summary Judgment Briefing:

Cross Motion for Summary Judgment filed in the Paradiso matter in Pierce County Superior Court in 2005.

Appellate Briefing:

“Additional Brief of Respondent” submitted in 2009 to Division I of the Court of Appeals in the Steinhauer matter.

 Letters and Memoranda:

An open letter to UW Interim President Phyllis Wise regarding the discipline of faculty members under the UW Faculty Code, dated November 3, 2010,  and a follow-up memorandum on the same topic to Professor Miceal Vaughan. 

For more substatial documentaion of the UW faculty materials and other cases, please see the archive.